In recent years, drastic changes in global economic policies and tax policies have become the focus of many circles, especially after the collaboration between influential figures such as Donald Trump and Elon Musk. This duet, triggered by political and business interests, has had a significant impact, not only on the business world, but also on public sector employees, especially tax office employees
Kebijakan pajak yang diterapkan oleh pemerintah AS di bawah pengaruh Trump, yang dikenal dengan pendekatan pro-bisnis, telah mengubah cara perusahaan besar beroperasi. Di sisi lain, Elon Musk, dengan kekuatan inovatif dan ambisius dalam mengembangkan teknologi dan bisnisnya, berperan dalam menciptakan suatu lingkungan yang menuntut optimalisasi biaya, termasuk biaya pajak. Kombinasi keduanya menciptakan ekosistem yang berpotensi mengancam kelangsungan pekerjaan para pegawai di kantor pajak.
One of the effects of this collaboration is the reduction in state revenues which has an impact on budget cuts for various public sectors. With reduced funds, the government is forced to make budget cuts which result in the threat of Termination of Employment (PHK) for tax office employees. In this context, employees who have been tasked with collecting taxes and maintaining fiscal compliance are now in a vulnerable position. This threat of layoffs reflects the uncertainty that has hit the public sector amidst rapid policy changes
Di samping itu, model bisnis yang diterapkan oleh Musk, seperti inovasi dalam industri otomotif dan teknologi energi, mendorong perusahaan untuk mencari celah-celah dalam sistem perpajakan untuk meminimalisasi kewajiban pajaknya. Strategi ini sering kali dilakukan dengan investasi di wilayah yang menawarkan insentif pajak, sehingga mengurangi kontribusi perpajakan di tempat lain. Praktik ini tidak hanya merugikan negara tetapi juga menimbulkan tekanan lebih pada pegawai pajak yang sebenarnya berusaha untuk mempertahankan kestabilan fiskal.
The situation faced is not a trivial matter. With the real threat of layoffs, many tax officials feel mentally and emotionally unstable. Job uncertainty can affect their productivity and motivation in carrying out their duties. Therefore, this challenge is not only structural but also touches on the psychological aspects of the individuals involved
Dalam menghadapi fenomena ini, langkah pencegahan dan pengaturan yang lebih baik oleh pemerintah harus segera dilakukan. Revisi terhadap kebijakan perpajakan dan pengawasan yang ketat terhadap praktik penghindaran pajak perlu diterapkan, guna menciptakan keadilan bagi semua pihak. Selain itu, pelatihan dan pengembangan keterampilan bagi pegawai pajak penting untuk memberikan mereka daya saing di era digital yang semakin maju.
Finally, the duet between Trump and Elon Musk has indeed caused a wave of rapid change in the world of economics and taxation. However, the social impact it has caused, especially on tax officials, should not be ignored. The need for fair policies and attention to employment aspects must be a priority in formulating future policies. Only in this way can we create a balanced environment between business progress and employee welfare in the public sector.